Monday, October 5, 2020

Surface Design Part 2

Happy Monday. 

I've been feeling rather lost and behind in this class with my brain and its inability to accept technology as a way of life. So, armed with a bag of jalapeno cheddar Doritos I waged war on Rhino. Bag of Doritos, and 6 hours later, I'm feeling much more comfortable with the commands, layers, hatch and building of shapes. 


I used the sewer grate again as a starting point, just as I had last week. It took many failed attempts at hatching and ensuring I wasn't layering shapes on shapes but rather within them... not as tricky as I originally thought. In our group last week we discussed there was potential with this pattern and it would be fun to see what colour would do with it. 

So, I made the shape of the grate, and then 'array' became my new best friend (now that I finally figured it out), then came hatching and layering, there is no shortage of possibilities with the colour scheme with the layout of hatching :)  

Once I got the hang of it, I found this to be a lot of fun, and recognized the pre-planning involved when I started to mirror the design into the full picture. I played a lot with colour in the begining and started to simplify as I got closer to the final as shown in my screen shot of layers. 


Mid bag of Doritos here is where I landed...



...end of Doritos :( 


I also wanted to explore 'Interpcrv' some more and try organic shapes (I was nervous about this). I created the shapes of the image while using 'picture' and then broke it down with 'hatch'. Again I utilized 'mirror' and 'array' until I had the layout I liked, then I began playing with colours. 



Hope you enjoyed 'hatch' as much as I did! Until next time, keep fit, and eat Doritos. 


  1. Hey Jessica! It looks like your hard work and dorito munching served you well! The struggle behind the finals is invisible to the viewer. Great exploration of colour and shapes. :)

  2. Thank you Joey, I appreciate your kind words.

  3. I love both patterns. The first ones are hypnotizing. I can't seem to stop staring at them.


Structure Collab Final Week

And we've made it. Half dead, and really sleepless. I am glad to see that this project has come together, although I am not sure we are ...