Thursday, February 17, 2022

Milestone Project - Visual Documentation


Here's my Lample!

It has been a very long time since I have rendered... not sure why it looks so blurry. 

Long road to get to this. I needed to re-create my definition from scratch from last week as I had just so much junk in my definition. I had a hard time with dispatch even though we went through it during my 1:1 time. As soon as I started to mess with it, it stopped working and it took a while to figure it out again. I did figure out a work around, however Bryan's way was way cleaner. I also lost all my geometry on this one so, I had to rebuild... Le sigh. It did go faster the third time around, but set me back nonetheless. 

Countless hours in front of my computer, and watching Youtube videos, I wish I had something more impressive to show. My biggest challenge was getting the bake to work, as I would get three different poly surfaces. I tried multiple things, and also reached out to a classmate who suggested deconstruct brep, and then Cull Item, then merge. I had troubles sorting out the surfaces in list management. I could have made this Lample from steel, cut out my curves with a plasma cutter, welded, and finished in the time it took me to create this. 

I would like to talk about a few things before I attempt my final, as the curves just aren't where I want them to be, yet. 

Materials: I think I will make this out of plexy - I would rather do it out of aluminum but I am not sure I can afford the materials to do so. 

Design Inspiration: I did some research on popular furniture trends and I hated everything I saw as everything is so micro-functional. I like objects that are multi-functional and perhaps because I have lived in an apartment for 10 years I like to keep objects in my life to a minimum, and maximize space. This piece is for my small studio space to provide light, and a table for my tea. Currently I am exploring Bridget Riley's work and I am really interested in organic lines, and optical art. 




  1. Multi-functional makes any furniture so much better! The shape and pattern of the lample look great!

  2. I love the different renders of the furniture, I like the acrylic feeling of your design, the first one looked frosted which can also look great especially if theres a light inside so it won't be too bright

    1. I agree with Erica — using a frosted or translucent (not transparent) material would work great for your design. I would prefer a non-transparent material because it will hide your lightbulb and create a more interesting light pattern on the surrounding area. With a non-transparent material, it will look more like a patterned lantern, which I guess is what you're looking for.

      And speaking about the light, how do you plan on incorporating the lights (whether they're bulbs or LEDs)? Is the table open at the bottom? Will the light cable come out of one of the existing cutouts or out of a new one? Maybe it would be good to plan for this before making the scale model to make the assembling process quicker and easier.

      After reading your blog, Jess, I feel like you're not giving yourself enough credit. I know you've been working really hard on this project and have learned a lot. Plus, your design is both decorative and practical, and you will have lots of use for it in your daily life. If you keep up the hard work, your scale model will look lovely!:)

  3. Great job Jess. I love the concept and your execution. It would be amazing to see this in real.

  4. This would be amazing to see in real life! Especially all the shadows and just how it would light up a room!

  5. I want one! What a marketable product. I'd love to see different variations of this idea. Different shapes and different materials and ways of omitting light so suit peoples personal preferences.

  6. Looks very modern. I could also see this as some sort of chandelier or on string lights. It would be cool to see it out of metal. Would you also have to sand out the edges because it looks like it would be very sharp? How would this be lit up? would you just put some bulbs inside of it or would it be like those flat acrylic lights that you just stick into a base then the light travels through the acrylic? nice work.

  7. This is great! It gives me a very crystalline vibe, I can imagine light shining through and making a prismatic rainbow and I think that's a dope impression. Absolute vibes.

    1. As a glass major I completely agree! The way that this is put together and rendered really shows just how well the light would catch and play with the overall shape! I'd love to have this piece in my home!

  8. Really cool design for this table lamp! It is pretty functional and easy to use I think. The whole design combines fairy tale and modern feeling.

  9. I love this! Such a special design! The price for aluminum is pretty good at the book store, but I think it would be really cool if it is made out of transparent acrylic and you can laser cut a thin layer to make it frosted with the sandblasted texture. I look forward to seeing it in real life!

  10. I love the way the light inside passes through the outside using transparent materials. The shadow of the light is likely to appear very beautifully through the shape of the wall. I want to get it for my room.

  11. I love the idea of the light coming through the cuts while also serving as a table. I am excited to see the shadows it will cast on the area surrounding it!


Structure Collab Final Week

And we've made it. Half dead, and really sleepless. I am glad to see that this project has come together, although I am not sure we are ...